Reports & Resources
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Mental Health Resources for the Agriculture and Food Sector
Extensive list of phone numbers and other resources compiled by the Ministry of Agriculture.
Mental Health on the Farm
In this podcast episode, Dr. Briana Hagen speaks about tailoring mental health programs to the needs of farmers. She explains how mental health in farming is fundamentally different than in other sectors. And she points toward solutions and successful programs across the country including the program called, In the Know, which she helped developed at the University of Guelph.
Mental Health Dashboard
When you look at your internal dashboard, do you see all green lights? Are there any red lights tipping you toward overload and stress? Let’s all take care of ourselves so we can continue to do what we enjoy most.
National Survey of Farmer Mental Health
Conducted by Dr. Andria Jones-Britton in 2018 involving over 1,000 producers across Canada.
Emergency Response Model for Mental Health During Agricultural Crises: This document outlines evidence-informed recommendations for attending to farmer mental health during times of agricultural crisis (e.g. animal disease outbreak) or disaster (e.g. barn fire). These guidelines are intended to help agricultural organizations, communities, and government best support farmers, farm families, and agricultural communities as they work through agricultural crises and disasters.
Do More Agriculture Foundation
Do More Ag is a not-for-profit organization focusing on mental health in agriculture across Canada.
Government of Canada Standing Select Committee Report
Released in 2019, “Mental Health: A Priority for our Farmers” report outlines 10 recommendations for attention.
Emergency Preparedness
Open Burning Practices for Farmers and Ranchers
Farmers and ranchers sometimes face special challenges when using open burns to clear grass and stubble, debris piles and windrows. To help conduct your open burn safely, please follow the tips in this factsheet.
The Farm/Ranch Wildfire Plan Guide and Workbook
Producers face unique challenges from wildfire. This video demonstrates how to use the Farm/Ranch Wildfire Plan guide and workbook to develop a preparedness plan that’s customized for your specific operational needs.
Creating an Operations Map for your Wildfire Plan
This video explains how to find or create a suitable map. It also explains the types of features and information to document on a map that will share key information about a farm operation before and during wildfire.
Wildfire Mitigation for the Farm and Ranch
Understand the three types of ignition that can cause wildfire to spread into and through the farm or ranch. This videorecommends practical actions for reducing risk to farm and ranch assets.
Farm Flood Readiness Toolkit
The Farm Flood Readiness Toolkit is designed to assist agricultural producers to assess flood risk and asset vulnerabilities, and to identify suitable farm-level strategies for reducing potential impacts associated with flooding.
Livestock Sector Emergency Preparedness Tips for Flooding
If you operate a farm or ranch in British Columbia, you know about the many natural hazards that can affect your business. For example, if your operation lies within an area subject to flooding, your business could be severely affected in the short and long term. The BC Ministry of Agriculture has worked with the livestock industries to develop Emergency Management Guides for producers to be as prepared as possible for events such as floods.
Emergency Livestock Relocation
The B.C. government has developed Livestock Relocation Factsheets to assist and support producers in being as prepared as possible during emergencies. Information about EMBC’s Livestock Relocation Policy can be found through this link.
Climate & Agriculture Initiative BC
CAI supports the agriculture sector in British Columbia with adapting to climate change. We facilitate collaboration, deliver programs, develop tools and resources, and share information.
Drought Management
Herd Management & Feed Considerations
Monitoring herd health and the quality/quantity of feed can help inform management decisions moving into the winter months. Decisions on culling livestock and ration adjustments may have an impact on the overall productivity and profitability of your operation.
Pasture Walks & Field Scouting
Monitoring of pastures and forage fields can help inform management decisions throughout the growing season. Decisions on modifications or treatments may impact your overall crop yields, livestock health and productivity, and overall profitability.
Forage Supply Decisions
The first cutting makes up a major portion of the entire season’s forage yield and it is important to consider both the yield and the quality. Early data on yield and quality can help inform management decisions throughout the remainder of the season and factors into overall crop profitability.
Industry Reports
A Roadmap to Growth for Local Meat in BC - 2021
This report was funded in part by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Government of British Columbia through programs delivered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the Government of British Columbia and the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC, are pleased to participate in the production of this report. We are committed to working with our industry partners to address issues of importance to the agriculture and agri-food industry in British Columbia. Opinions expressed in this report are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Investment Agriculture Foundation, the Government of British Columbia or Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
New Farmers and Alternative Markets Within the Supply-Managed System - 2010
Inequities in Food Safety Regulations
Recommendations for Managing Specialty Agri-Food Products in BC’s Supply Managed System